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"Open Relationships"

"Open Relationships"

I just think loyalty as a virtue is bleeding itself out of culture.

You see this in employment, for instance. How many people feel a sense of loyalty to stay at their jobs? How many would think twice about quitting if a better job came around, no matter how much you leaving would damage operations? Nobody gives a shit because they know they themselves are at-will employees who could be asked to pack their stuff in a box and leave under armed guard on a moment's notice.

Well, that attitude is the same with relationships. Anytime you interact with someone of the opposite sex they could ghost you at a moment's notice. No explanation and no apologies. Once you feel that way, then you downgrade your expectations accordingly. So everything becomes a game of constantly shifting musical-chairs.

With connections this weak, why even bother expecting monogamy?

The only pressure for monogamy revolves around kids, and even there, with baby-mama culture, it's going away.

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