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Is daygame the worst way to meet women?

Is daygame the worst way to meet women?

DL, it's great that you have found such an efficient way to roll up in da club anywhere and get loads of girls to immediately flock around you. But we are talking about daygame here. There has been plenty of coverage on the disadvantages of daygame so it's not like the posters on this thread are, at least in the majority, falling for the hype of "any girl, any time, anywhere" marketed by daygame "gurus", but equally you have conflicting interests as in your sig since we all know what you believe in and promote. That's cool, but we get your message, you think social circle game is better. You're free to believe that, maybe elaborate on it in a social circle specific thread.

Of course SC is better once it's set up but that also takes a lot of time and effort, and is not as portable as daygame or any form of cold approach, portability being what a lot of guys who travel need. Going to 2nd tier cities in Ukraine vs being a big baller with a heavy investment in one big city e.g. Miami or New York -- these are totally different things, you're comparing apples to oranges. This then descends into a night vs day argument which has been done way too many times.

"Chicken Fodder" is also unfair to say the least on guys who have great fear of doing something but push through it and do it anyway. This is far more courageous an act than the man who has no fear of that same action and doing it. Many men find daygame very difficult for various reasons; as has been mentioned many times if it were easy every man would be doing it and the burn out/drop out rate would not be so high. As of now there are only a few guys worldwide who are really getting good results from daygame, far more guys who rely on social circle, whether they are big ballers like you or have a more modest group. If anything your weaseling out of cold approach because of your big baller lifestyle and monogamy is more chicken fodder than any of these guys out there trying, including John Bodi who fought tooth and nail for the success he got out there. If you're successful in your own way then cool, but don't try to bring down other guys with your boasting or your inaccurate claims (e.g. daygame/any cold approach game being universally easy). Actually discussing the reality of what happens in the field so to speak can help other guys who think they are alone in what they are going through out there. Unlike John Bodi, not all of us had Nick Krauser as a wingman and de facto mentor.

The thing of most use you could give to this thread would be to actually tell us just how "really good" at daygame you were, to the point where you could "get new gals into [your] life" in "less than a minute". Those of us who actually approach in the day know that a number doesn't really mean much, and less than a minute number is very rushed indeed. Getting a bang out of that number in less than a minute, even more incredible.

If you don't want to "chase women", then why comment on a "Game" thread where "Game" is almost exclusively used on women met via cold approach? This is nature: whatever anyone says, unless you're fucking Justin Bieber, you're going to have to lead the interaction forward as the man and if you haven't met her before, this includes the initial approach. Some women might throw themselves at you in a nightclub, cool, and you just have to "guide it in" like the guys guiding a plane in on the runway at night, but otherwise, before sex, it's on the man's shoulders. If you're at the point where you have to do next to nothing to get sex from girls in whatever clubs you go to, that's bordering on fame game and would be irrelevant to nearly all guys here. Even if I took your incorrect assumption that all the girls out in the day are also out at night, you would still have to cold approach them in the club. Unless as I said you are famous and that includes local fame, knowing a shit load of people and being known for a certain thing etc.

Just for accuracy's sake, however, we all know that certain cities in the daytime can be like a fashion show, especially in high traffic areas. There are far, far many more girls of top quality than you could ever manage to approach at once. Even in Poland, the nightlife, even in the best and biggest clubs, was an absolute sausagefest. Maybe it's different in certain places in Miami. In the daytime, however, beautiful girls everywhere, literally 100x more than at night, and yes, higher quality. And Poland isn't even "Eastern" Europe anymore, really, quality there is going down. If you see what you want to see, you will most likely see it. However I actually wanted there to be tons of hot girls around at night, I always welcome hot girls being around. They are artificial environments to which some girls may choose to go, some of whom may be hot. Girls have less of a "choice" as to whether they go out in the day; they all have lives and errands to run, friends to meet etc.

Finding a great girl and traveling to the Maldives is cool, and if I find girls I want to travel with I would travel too, but otherwise it's not much to do with daygame.

If a guy is good at cold approach, he is traveling and on the streets picking up beautiful girls, you imply there is something wrong with that. In fact there is so much "right" with that - independence, freedom, the taste of victory after hard work, because, for 99.9% of people, cold approach pickup is hard work. I laughed at the guys trying to find a "hack" on the recent live calls, and the amount of times Roosh had to tell them, it's hard work, it's always going to be hard work. That's realistic. Again it's nice to hear that you are such a big baller but it's not really relevant to most people and why you would have to repeat it on a daygame thread is somewhat confusing. It's no secret that you dislike the current "seduction community" even in its more balanced form on Roosh's forum, so if you don't like it, all you have to do is stay away from it.

Men will continue to want to fuck girls who walk by them in the street or in stores or in malls or in cafes; they will always want the tools - both external and internal - to maximize their chances of success. Yes, many guys who try daygame are weird and make it worse for everyone else, but there's not much we can do about that.

Finally, for anyone who is reading this and going through psychological "invisible" resistance during day game, or even between sessions, simply because a thought or a feeling is not visible to us, or does not appear to us as concrete, tangible, does not make it any less real. These thoughts and feelings are occurring in extremely complex phenomena, chemical and electrical, within our brains, developed over millions upon millions of years of evolution. Psychology - the man's thoughts and emotions - are probably the greater challenge to daygame than the raw skill. No man should let anyone dismiss the existence of these phenomena as merely trivial. Our entire world is experienced through perception of the outside world processed by the brain that no one truly understands, let alone can see as we can see the sun when it rises. Yet it all exists, and indeed is in fact central to our existence.

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