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Again, don't go to India.

Again, don't go to India.

Don’t rule out India. It’s a fascinating country. I have spent a lot of time in the country. The only place worth going for women is Goa, unless you plan on staying long term, then Delhi and Mumbai are good options too. In goa there are many, many long term visitors from Russia, Israel, Europe.

In general, the only Indians you can bang are middle to upper class city girls. The best place to get them is when they are on vacation in Goa. There are lots of them here right now. And don’t believe what people say about Indian females looks, some of the most beautiful women I’ve ever seen have been indian. Think light brown skin, black hair, black eyes (oh the eyes!), they aren’t all really dark.
Many would even pass for South American.

Best advice I can give for banging Indians is go to Goa and go to hostels, you’ll find many, young and single Indian girls there travelling solo. That’s a big issue with getting indian women in Goa is that most travel in groups or with their partners. Use tinder. Also, in my experience and from what I’ve been told by others, your best bet for getting an easy indian lay is Unhappily married women. Indian men can’t satisfy their woman at all, so they see us westerners and want a bit.

I have only banged 2 indian women. For what its worth, I am probably 7-7.5 in looks but don’t really try to get women until the opportunity presents itself. One was living in the states and came to Goa for vacation (unhappily married, pretty wealthy, has now fallen in love with me), the other is a crazy model from Mumbai who comes to Goa for vacations. I was close to getting a 3rd. I was talking with this girl for months before coming to India this time. A beautiful Delhite. She was Kashmiri pandit. Skinny with a big fat ass. Well educated. Anti-feminist. She had the whole package. Unfortunately it feel apart before I got here. Felt like shit for long time after it, first girl I ever actually really ‘fell’ for and I didn’t even meet her!

I could write much more on the matter if there was a demand for it. India isn’t no pussy paradise, largely to do with the culture - but don’t rule it out. The women can be beautiful, the people are friendly, the culture of the country is amazing to see.

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