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The NFL is dying

The NFL is dying

Quote: (12-30-2017 10:57 AM)Repo Wrote:  

Quote: (12-30-2017 08:26 AM)IveBeenFramed Wrote:  

Indiana Bill Would Force NFL's Colts To Repay Angry Fans Offended By Anthem Protests


The political kneeling protest by NFL players has now reached the blowback phase. Angry football fans across the United States are demanding that NFL teams refund their tickets based on the player acts they deem offensive during the National Anthem. It’s a vicious trend coupled with a rating collapse that’s creating a toxic feedback loop for the NFL.

And now, the latest escalation comes from an Indiana lawmaker, who intends to file legislation that would require Indianapolis Colts to refund fans at home games if players kneel during the National Anthem.

Rep. Milo Smith, R-Columbus, who is spearheading the movement said his bill would allow fans at home games who feel disrespected by kneeling to ask for a refund in the first quarter.

“To me when they take a knee during the national anthem, it’s not respecting the national anthem or our country,” Smith said. “Our government isn’t perfect, but it’s still the best country in the world and I think we need to be respectful of it.”

The IndyStar, a local newspaper, reached out to a Colts representative, who failed to comment on the proposal.

Earlier in the Colt’s season, Smith had a bad experience of his own, which spurred him to develop the refund bill.

Earlier this month, a season-ticket holder of the New Orleans Saints sued the organization demanding his money be returned, because players disrespected the National Anthem during the 2017 season’s home games.

The trend is clear, the blowback phase is evident, and the American people have had enough! Across the land, angry NFL fans have put aside their team’s rivalry and have banded together as one to demand change. The concept in focus here is that the will of the American people, if unified can demand sweeping changes in the NFL and even Government.

This sounds like a great example of government overreach.

Government overreach is only bad when it doesn't favor me... Otherwise teach them a lesson big daddy government!

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