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Open banking - Globalists to get access over all your bank accounts & finances

Open banking - Globalists to get access over all your bank accounts & finances

Quote: (12-28-2017 09:08 AM)dicknixon72 Wrote:  

What would be a supposed advantage to open banking for the end-user consumer?

Phone calls from Babu in Bangalore.

As well as this, most of the details you share with your bank are shared with credit rating agencies like Experian and Equifax, which aren't exactly known for bulletproof security and privacy. They also have real-time access to you bank balance. This is sold for huge sums to corporations for marketing and is used by the government as part of their little guy tax evasion snooping drag-net.

Also, that Equifax leak was nothing. I have the entire Experian database, which contains virtually every adult in the US with about 250 fields, including what your interests are, your finances, job, mortage, dob, address, phone, email, religion, political affiliation etc. This is one for Canada:

[Image: Screenshot_at_2017-12-28_21-14-51.png]

I presume the income column is deduced from their snooping into your bank account.

Companies with their T&Cs about 3rd parties routinely sell their customer data to Expirain, Equifax et. al. and it all get mashed together, bound on identifiers like name, address, phone, email.

Datasheet to entangle coming sometime in Spring next year.

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