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Life Changing Decision: Considering Living With A Sick/Injured Parent

Life Changing Decision: Considering Living With A Sick/Injured Parent

Credit to you mate, awful situation and sounds like everyone else is making it harder than it needs to be.

Agree entirely that you should be pushing for POA before going anywhere with the plan and that every single thing you do should be in written and signed contract forms. It is almost certainly worth seeing a lawyer.

You've got Eddie, who seems to be a leech attached to your sister who is negatively impact her when she's already bad enough on her own. Having him there as a +1 on everything will certainly work against you in every way, that's he a complete asshole and not willing to help out should show how completely self-centered he is as well. He's part 1 of why I'd at least talk to a lawyer because he's certainly weaseling his way in to whatever happens in the future and not only not willing to help but actually being proactively disruptive.

Carla seems like a piece of work as well, not what you want to hear about your sister, I'm sure, but something you need to be aware of. Someone who seems to be actively protecting her personal interests, not willing to help or contribute and who unfortunately controls all the legal power right now as well as having a terrible negative influence in her life is a really bad combo in a situation like this (I went through similar with my sister when my mother passed only luckily I had the legal control in that situation) and you really need to disarm her as much as possible and treat her like a child by giving her a schedule.

Think you need to work out if you think that Eddie and Eunice are even capable of providing the kind of care it sounds like is needed, from what I can tell you've got a pathetic man child who is leeching off your sister and a complete princess syndrome with your sister, they really don't seem to be doing the whole adult thing in this scenario, from what you've provided it just doesn't sound like them caring is a real option for any kind of long term solution which obviously leaves you providing it as the only option if professional care is not possible.

Again, this situation just sucks on every angle but it's in true adversity that you will see the true colours of the people around you and you need to make the decisions from that. I think the POA is the first obstacle though, legally you've basically got no control here until you sort that, even if it's making it shared POA with a neutral arbitrator.

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