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Cop acquitted for killing man crawling down hotel hallway while begging for his life

Cop acquitted for killing man crawling down hotel hallway while begging for his life

Quote: (12-08-2017 03:30 PM)Easy_C Wrote:  

Quote: (12-08-2017 03:13 PM)Atlanta Man Wrote:  

I cannot embed the video but this fucking peice of shit cop was dead wrong to murder this man the way he did and I would love to hear forum members take on this. For the record the victim was white, with no criminal record-All lives matter, and BLM has taken up this cause-thoughts?


This cop thing is not JUST a racial issue. I've been following it since long before BLM ever appeared and have been concerned about it.

Read Radley Balko's book "rise of the warrior cop". The root cause of this kind of thing isn't just "racism". It's that government has facilited a trend where police see themselves as an occupying force living among a hostile population. If that sounds kind of like being a soldier in Iraq that's 100% deliberate: they've brought back military tactics learned in those engagements and are using them to breed a hostile, culturally isolated, and trigger happy police force that will obey any order given, no matter how unethical, with zero questions asked. Another key driver has been the ubiquitous SWAT-ification of police forces stemming from the war on drugs, with no-knock break ins being routine and even regular cops kitted up like warzone soldiers.
One look at the virulent anti-cop rhetoric coming from the left and BLM and the riots after (justified) uses of deadly force and it would be hard to argue the idea that many cops do patrol areas with a hostile population.

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