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Official introduction thread

Official introduction thread


Longtime reader here. I discovered this forum and the manosphere during my high school years and it was the best thing that could of happened to me.

I’m 22, married with a daughter who I try my best to guide her using the understanding of her psychology extrapolated from game.

I was homeschooled for my entire education through until college, it was great, I loved it, it was the best thing for me in terms of learning. However it also caused me to have almost no friends or contact in general outside of my immediate family. I was depressed for most of my early teens, having no friends or anyone to talk to really, about the time I turned 17 I decided to apply game principles to my life and started to become more outgoing and confident.

I live in one of the economically worst states in America today and am working on trying to improve my lot in life using the knowledge shared on this forum.

I’m looking forward to being a part of the discussion, and learning more from the guys here.

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