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Official introduction thread

Official introduction thread

Hey guys, I’m a 23 year-old, 5’10” Chinese-American born and raised in the northeast, and attended a liberal-arts school for college in the northeast, but I live in Shanghai now and speak close to fluent Mandarin (pronunciation like a local, vocab can use some work at times). My work here revolves around growing the sport of American football in China, so I cover its growth here for a media company, and coach youth football on weekends, hence my name Ganlanqiu (Chinese for “olive-ball”, which is what they call football/rugby), and I also play on an amateur team here that plays other teams around China. I’ve been reading ROK since maybe 2013, kind of stopped reading it for a bit, but found RVF when looking for more about Shanghai nightlife.

I’m not exactly a complete beginner to game, as I started to find some success later on in college through social circle game (I was in a high-tier fraternity), but I guess I’d classify myself as a high-end novice. My notch count currently stands at 8, with flags from the US and China. I can hold a conversation pretty well, even in Mandarin, and have definitely used that to develop a good network of friends here in Shanghai and in other cities in China. I’ve been in an LTR for the past year and a half though, so my game has gotten rusty. I’d say I’m here to dive deeper into game, and also offer what I know about the amazing city of Shanghai, some knowledge of other cities in China, the sports landscape in China, and knowledge of Chinese culture in general.

I will definitely be living here for a few more years, and I often travel to Hong Kong for visa runs as well, so I’d be down to meet up with forum members there too. If anyone has any questions on getting settled here in Shanghai, or everyday life here, or needs any food or nightlife recommendations in this amazing city, be sure to reply to the multiple data sheets about Shanghai, or shoot me a PM, and I’ll see if I can answer.

Cheers fellas!


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