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The Stefan Molyneux Thread

The Stefan Molyneux Thread

Quote: (11-20-2017 05:58 PM)churros Wrote:  

That video is good, but his over-arching explanation i.e that the state is what undermined traditional gender relations, is nonsense. Single mothers are a minority.

With all due respect I think you're underestimating the reach of the government into intimate relationships. Roughly 40% of births in America are out of wedlock, and the divorce rate is 50%. So while children coming from broken homes are a minority; they're certainly not rare. Lets not forget that 90% of welfare recipients are single mothers!

Not to mention 100% of women know they can go after a man for child support if they get knocked up; married or not, and if they get him to put a ring on it they can divorce rape him. Maybe getting alimony sometimes for life in states like Florida and California. Or at least a large cash settlement carving up his savings, house, and retirement funds in the process. Who pays for all of this? Men. We're the majority of taxpayers. Not to mention the overwhelming majority of child support and alimony payors. But unlike the before they 1960's this wealth transfer is involuntary, and we don't even get a whiff of pussy in return. Hell the government attempts to imprison us if we use whatever money we have left over to pay for pussy directly!

Quote: (11-20-2017 05:58 PM)churros Wrote:  

The real explanation is very simple. As technological and managerial work grew in the West, corresponding to the decline in physical labour, women got more jobs.

I don't think that explains anything. How many female managers were there in the 1950's? How many females were employed as engineers, scientists, or other technical positions? Take a quick look at the gender composition of any STEM course at your local university. Check out the gender composition of fortune 500 CEO's or small business owners pulling in more then $500,000 a year in revenue. As a group women aren't well suited to that type of work.

Quote: (11-20-2017 05:58 PM)churros Wrote:  

So the free market, which Molyneux believes is miraculous and efficient, is precisely what gave women their jobs. And now he wants to remove those jobs? Sounds like COMMUNISM

Did the free market give women jobs? Or did feminist legislation such as: Affirmative Action, Title IX, Title VII, female only scholarships, The Fair Pay Act, rulings by activist judges, The White House Counsel on Women and Girls, etc. Not to mention a constant propaganda campaign driving women into the workforce by playing on their fears that their husband would leave them; condemning them and their children to a life of poverty. Regardless of the cause women are now more or less forced to work. Nearly doubling the size of the workforce by including women, and bringing in waves of immigrants has had a disastrous effect on wages in the labor market. In order to be able to maintain a decent standard of living both parents have to work now. Even though according to surveys most women would rather be a stay at home wife. Thanks feminism and open borders advocates!

"Those who will not risk cannot win." -John Paul Jones

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