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Polish vs Ukrainian girls

Polish vs Ukrainian girls

Quote: (02-28-2012 09:21 PM)Vacancier Permanent Wrote:  

Thank you Greek Kamaki for the insight on the Ukrainian and Polish girls, very much appreciated. It is clear through your posts that you know what you are talking about due to your extensive first hand experience. Please continue to post your experiences and insight about EE and don't mind the naysayers.

Neil, drop it man, why are you getting so pissed of that someone is having such a good time, is able to spend money, while you can't pay for a drink? Stop hating guys who can afford things, not everyone is as broke as you here. As has been mentioned before by G and other successful guys, when you reach a certain level of success financially and at a certain age, you value time more than money so this is what GK is doing, nothing more, nothing less. Nothing personal against you man, I enjoy reading your posts and your blog as they are insightful and entertaining but at times, your criticism of anyone able to spend money is annoying.

For Brasil, as CM mentioned, it's all about language skills and I'd add a 2nd crucial piece to cracking quality non pros there: having an established social circle. FYI, Brasil is a very status oriented society, specially the girls. If you don't speak the lingo and or do not have an established social circle, the good non pros won't give you the time of the day. However, speak the lingo to a fluent level and have local friends and watch a whole new world open up in front of you.

Its not the money spending i WAS pissed about, i know some people have more money to spend on girls and i don't blame them as long as they don't throw money around and doing beta stuff like buying presents and taking them on dinner dates to get girls and claim it was game they used.

I was pissed because Kamaki writes a lot of bullshit in between otherwise good posts. he writes something good and something i agree with and the next post its trolling bullshit.

His extremely high numbers and ease of getting laid brings out the skepticism in me. I would understand more if i gave more details but he won't even tell his age, which must be in his 30's since he claims to visit EE since 1999.
He offers to post pictures but backs out of it the next moment.

I'm not the only one that thinks lowly of him, so i'm no worried. It might take a few hundred more posts but he will be outed.

Anyway, i'm taking a short break from the forum and focus more on working on my book and designing a new header for my site. I will mainly read the forum from now on and maybe give a few threads with tips and tricks

Book - Around the World in 80 Girls - The Epic 3 Year Trip of a Backpacking Casanova

My new book Famles - Fables and Fairytales for Men is out now on Amazon.

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