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A Pattern of Bad Game: And How To Avoid It

A Pattern of Bad Game: And How To Avoid It

Quote: (02-28-2012 06:51 PM)Tuthmosis Wrote:  

Quote: (02-28-2012 06:41 PM)el mechanico Wrote:  

I hate online game but guess what? The bars are thinning out. I was out last night and couldn't find anything. Yea it was Monday but three years ago on Monday there was twice the amount of women out.

If you can swoop live like a champ online game forces you to compete with dudes that wouldn't stand a chance against you at a lounge or hotel bar.

It's true. And same here. I'm constantly talking to random guys to see what the situation is on the streets. Things are rough out there right now. In the United States, at least, a 50/50 ratio is rare, and about as good as you can hope for. Most nights, you're dealing with much-much less. Sausage fests are legion and fatties only thin the herd further. When you incorporate the expense and logistics of random night game, it makes sense to mix it up with other resources.

The problem with online game is that guys don't know how to use it properly. It should never be your primary and it should never be substitute for approaching. But, in a world of texting, Facebook, and iPhone addiction, you're missing opportunities if you're not online. Maybe this is the case with younger girls (23 and under), but I'm shocked at the numbers and quality online these days. It's getting crazy. With proper screening, the duds and secret fatties from online can be kept to an acceptable minimum, a cost-of-doing-business level.

But, mechanico makes a good point. Online evens the playing field against our favor. Assuming many of us have game that's better than 90+ percent of the male population, online allows awkward guys and dudes with lesser or partial game to approach without fear. That's definitely a flaw in the system. It pushes girls onto simple factors that are secondary, at best, face-to-face.
Another thing it does is takes sex to a snails pace. Those dudes online are not used to banging strange all week. If the guys would unite and ask for same day dates or cut loose it would change the dynamic drastically. They are letting women control the flow of pussy so in fact we are competing tooth and nail with dudes that deserve 0 tail.

I'm not kind to them on the streets. I see. I steal. I block

Here's an online story from this week....
Slut X has multiple dating profiles and is a broke ass bitch. On facebook. Hey I'm working tonight at wild wings come see me. On POF the same. On badoo the same. I hate this girl for this and a long history of attention whoring but when I drove by the wing place there was 7 full size pick ups out front. This place would never have a car outside at 10 on Monday.

She's making her living off these clowns.

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