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Polish vs Ukrainian girls

Polish vs Ukrainian girls

Maybe it is because of my English but you seem to have misinterpreted much of what I wrote.The difference in quality of posts is due to becoming tired when I become tired I do not control the gramar so good.

I wrote that short girls have smaller nerve fibers so the stimulus reaches the brain faster.That is why they have more sensitivity and their body makes them more flexible during sex.It does not have to do with the random observation that taller girls are more prone to anal than shorter girls.

I also wrote that if you get into a Kiev club with women you are likely to spend over 200 euro if you stay there all night.I did not talk about dinner but about club expenses and everyone who has been there will agree with me.

I did not write that slavic girls are dumb just that conversation with them is simple due to the fact that most of them speak elementary English and most of us speak basic conversational Russian so you cannot really tell sth really complicated it is due to language restrains.However simple lines still work(often due to mutual misinterpretation the girl supposes that you say another thing than you actually say and you suppose she is different than she actually is judgeing by what she says in the simple mode).

I do not want to reveal myself by posting photos of myself because all these can have repercursions.As you say one may get lawsuits.

About the places I pick up the girls yes I pick up them both in resorts and in travels.One does not exclude the others.I cannot pick them up in resorts during winter because resorts are empty.I do not get in July August to pick up them in their home countries because by then they are in resorts.The one does not exclude the other.

One girl every three days is not a big deal at all.If you spend 1000-1500 euro per travel for one week to bang 2 girls it is not a high success rate.High success is to bang one or two girls every single day.

I have already analyzed expenses needed in Kiev and in other cities.If you do not spend you have to stay with one girl at her house one week and this means you will see no other girls.

I do not understand this hatred when I give detailed information and very focused I mean who has written this stuff before.You will see that many will use my quotes and observations as theirs.They will be the same who now condemn me.It happens all the time.

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