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Polish vs Ukrainian girls

Polish vs Ukrainian girls

Quote: (02-27-2012 04:40 AM)Neil Skywalker Wrote:  

Quote: (02-27-2012 03:36 AM)Greek kamaki Wrote:  

We have discussed the issue of sponsoring in another thread.As I have written before few girls in western Ukraine ask for money but it is almost granted that you give some kind of gift or small present in cities like Dnepropetrovsk,Donetsk etc.Also in Kiev a good meal with clubbing in high end club drinks etc with girls can easily come up to 200 euro.

Anyway if you noticed I travelled there 15 times so I had prearranged contacts in many of these cases who had agreed to stay in apartment.For example now I have a bisexual couple waiting for me in Kiev.If I come there for a weekend they will spend one night in my apartment and the next day I will meet some internet contacts and go for clubbing.Even if internet contacts fail to put out in first date I still have the chance of one night stand in clubbing.(Where I approach in mass).

Even if that fails I still will have banged two girls in a two day period.So if I do this 15 times I get 30 girls in 30 days.So my number 25 girls in 60 days(maybe 70 now when I think about duration of travels) is not so high as it seems.In fact it is normal and it has come down by choice to not stay in Kiev for long to cut out expenses that is given the choice to bang two girls in Kiev in a weekend and spend the same which you would spend in province for one week also banging two girls sometimes I prefered the province to enjoy more time.

In any of these travels anything less than 1 girl/3 days is less than ideal.If you do not hit this target you have to change destination because there are better ones.If you get 1 girl every two days in one city and two girls every three days in another you may think about it.

1 girl every 7 days I can easily get on vaccations close here which will cost me 400 euro on the whole so why mind spending on travelling to Ukraine where you have to spend at least 1000 euro on the trip(to province) for one week if all you can bang is one girl per week?

Quality of girls I bang is in the high 10% of Ukrainian standards I have never reached top 5% or top 1% probably because of time limitation.I am sure if I stayed there for one month I would get some girls in the top 5%.If I stayed for one month I would bang about 10-15 girls(one per 3 days at least) and spend about 3500 euro.(1000 euro per week with the air tickets included).(dating expenses,apartments,hotel rooms to bang,some presents,tickets to other cities etc).

There are 3 possibilities here :

1) Greek kamaki has top 1% model looks combined with a Michelangelo statue shaped body, throws lots of money around and has tremendous game.

2) Greek Kamaki is the Eastern European equivalent of Mixx. A well trained,fanatical and ruthless gamer capable of speaking multiple languages and blessed with good looks.

3) Greek kamaki is a troll who likes to brag online about how he fucks a russian/ukrainian 7 -8 every two days including organizing orgys (wild story thread) and threesomes all the time.

I think option 1 and 2 are ruled out by the simple fact that i still have to read his first gaming advice or tips and tricks which me and many other here don't regard as bullshit.

Yes Neil, I agree that option number 3 seems the most likely. But though Greek Kamaki is not the most eloquent and persuasive poster on this forum and often borders on charlatanism and silly arguments, I get the feeling he is genuine. Id bet 1000 dollars that, at a minimum, 80 percent of what he says, about his experiences, is true.

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