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Help! I have great 'cards' but no game!

Help! I have great 'cards' but no game!

Bro this is my second post on RVF, so like a shot of shitty tequila, you may wish to take what I say with a grain of salt. And a lime.

Now I'm honestly not trying to be a dick, but you may have noticed that there are two threads stickied (Sticked? Stuck? The more I say/read "stickied" the more wrong it sounds.) to the top of the Newbie Forum. One is for introductions, the other is the "NEWB FAQ" which is, PACKED TO THE BRIM with solid game advice for beginners. Also, if you've read "Bang" and "Day Bang" you should already be a Roosh-level grandmaster poon-slayer!

Now if you're still having problems, then go to the store. Go to the mall, Go to walmart. The moment you see a cute girl, immediately walk up to her and say "Hi, I'm juicebox. I think you're cute" and she'll kinda giggle a little bit cuz she's actually shy in person. Then get her name and number, bada bing bada boom. What's the worst thing that could happen? She might be your grandmother sent through a time machine into the future, which of course is actually the present for you, therefore you cannot bang her due to paradoxes and shit, but hot damn your grandma was a cutie when she was young!

Or she could just say no and then you wash, rinse, repeat on every cute girl you see from now on.

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