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Help! I have great 'cards' but no game!

Help! I have great 'cards' but no game!

I have given some of that information already mate. 4 women so far (1 was a long standing friend who later became more than a friend - bad move, few bangs aside it ruins any dynamics of friendship). 2 others were through university - student parties, union events etc (1 somewhat serious relationship that fell apart). The 4th was through She was older but it was worth it.

My style is generic - jeans, shirt, shoes. Nothing fancy, nothing 'urban'.

Interests: Academic interests are obviously medicine and Sci-tech based but I also love Politics and Literature. I will probably specialize in Psychiatry. Outside of the classroom, I love film, travel, photography, theatre. Not huge on sports but keep an eye on UFC, Boxing, Tennis and Cricket.

I havent 'night gamed' in a few years - simply dont have the time. Classes and rounds take up my day and night. Besides, I was never much of a party goer.

In terms of my friends - I dont have too many. 1 brother who is a solicitor and a couple of Scottish guys who have been friends for years. 1 of them pulls a lot of ass - he is HUGE (Rugby forward) and smooth with words, the other much like me is more introverted. I have a few relatives dotted about but I dont really hang out as such with them.

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