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YoungBlade's HEMA Datasheet

YoungBlade's HEMA Datasheet

This is cringeworthy on so many levels. More than anything else, it is completely pointless. Why stand around LARPing as a sword fighter in the year 2017? Who are you going to fight with a sword? Further, what kind of sword fighting technique are you even actually learning by fighting armored opponents and not using slashing or piercing attacks? Most of these guys are just bludgeoning each other. With swords. This is completely retarded.

The reason men used to practice fighting with swords is not because they thought sword fighting was soooo cool and fun and a great workout. It was because swords were the military weapons of the day. They trained because they wanted to become better killers. In contrast, anyone pretend sword fighting in 2017 is doing so because they played too many video games/watched too many movies and think that swords are totally sweet.

You are mistaking the appearance of the thing for its essence. Traditional European sword fighting was not about fighting with swords. It was about becoming a dangerous man. If the men who mastered the art of sword fighting a thousand years ago were alive today, they would consider you a complete fool for wasting your time play-fighting with swords. That's because they were serious men who were interested in the practical art of killing. They were soldiers. You dishonor them and make a fool of yourself by slapping people with swords and calling it "Historical European Martial Arts."

If you want to truly align yourself with the spirit of traditional European martial arts, learn how to box and wrestle, lift weights, and more than anything learn to shoot guns very well. All types of guns. Learn tactical shooting and do combat drills. Become so comfortable with a gun in your hand that you feel a part of you is missing when you aren't holding one. That's what those ancient sword fighters would be doing right now, not actually fighting with swords. If you want to be a dangerous man, then become a dangerous man. But you won't get there by play-fighting with swords.

This was harsh, but it needed to be said. You're clearly in some kind of a bubble with this nonsense (for fuck's sake, please tell me you don't actually believe that dorky YouTuber was in a sword duel to the death?) and need to hear a dissenting opinion. Take it or leave it.

[size=8pt]"For I reckon that the sufferings of this present time are not worthy to be compared with the glory which shall be revealed in us.”[/size] [size=7pt] - Romans 8:18[/size]

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