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Official introduction thread

Official introduction thread

Hi all, I'm Perspicacity.

I'm 23. Lived all my life in London, UK, except for a few years at university in a different UK city.

Notch count is (*counts, them remembers some he forgot*) seven.

All bangs were in my last and second-last years at university.

Since then it's been a dry spell living at home, dealing with family drama, moving out, getting and changing jobs, etc.

Recently moved into a new town (the town I work in), in a different part of London. Now working on settling in to new place, new town, and newish job, and also want to break the dry spell and maybe build a social circle.

Game journal: thread-64978.html

Fitness journal: thread-64979.html

A bit more detail on my previous reading on, and involvement with, game:

Read a few posts on this forum and a few of Roosh's old blog posts when I was 18 but it was mostly just that--reading.

Fast forward a couple years, it turned out one of my university friends had also heard a bit about this stuff. He became my wingman and we had a good thing going on reading books (mostly PUA related or on PUA reading lists, also some other stuff), holding each other accountable, daygaming, and nightgaming, figuring out what to do with leads, etc.

Got two notches that university year. Next university year I didn't really have my wingman around so put less effort in, but had better lifestyle/logistics/game by this point so got five more notches.

After that last year of university, I've had no new notches, but am eager to get the ball rolling again.

A quick rundown of the notches I did get, to give context to a comment on night game:

First notch was nightgame in a bar of a girl I knew from a committee I chaired the previous year at my university. I'd call her a social pickup.

Second notch was a girl I picked up in university city's McDonald's on a Saturday night/Sunday morning. Virgin but only got one re-bang.

Third notch was...again, a girl I picked up in university city's McDonald's on a Saturday night/Sunday morning. Plate that I dropped/smashed.

Fourth notch was social circle from a sports club at the university. Debatably a plate but dropped/smashed fairly quickly.

Fifth notch was a random pickup from a bar (night game).

Sixth notch was...yet again, a girl I picked up in university city's McDonald's on a Saturday night/Sunday morning.

Seventh notch was a girl who'd recognised me from a dance class months before who opened me at a bar (night game/hobby pickup).

Based on these, and the amount of time, money, lost sleep/health, dignity, etc. spent on night game, I haven't been massively keen on night game for a couple of years, but usually end up on nights out trying to pull every now and then.

That said, none of these are really day game notches, and the two key elements seem to b either (a) knowing the girl beforehand/her seeing me in a situation that conferred status (leadership/combat spot/dance class) or (b) my niche of that one city's McDonald's on a Saturday night specifically.

I might be able to find other niches, but (b) per se isn't an option (wrong city), which leaves (a). So I need to look into social circle/hobbies/niches that'll put me in a good position.

Although I haven't really had any daygame notches, the costs are much lower and it's generally less shitty for me right now, so it's worth working on.

Up for running some game in London if any of you chaps are kicking around there--hit me up.

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