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Anyone here got unexpected bangs after heavy persistence?

Anyone here got unexpected bangs after heavy persistence?

It happened to me with a fob Chinese girl in Canada, we had gone out twice and both dates went well but we didn't kiss, honestly I was having trouble reading this girl, my game is pretty weak with Asian girls but she was fun to hang out with anyway. Usually I would have nexted her but in this case I decided to go out with her again because I never dated a Chinese chick and wasn't sure how easy they were. So on the next date we had a couple of drinks and ended up at the ocean where I went for a kiss, she turned her cheek so I basically said "fuck this" and told her to get in the car. As we drove back to her place, I wasn't saying much and she probably sensed that I wasn't happy, when I dropped her off I said "later" then she turned around and kissed me. We started making out then she invited me in and I pounded the snot out of her.

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