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Anyone here got unexpected bangs after heavy persistence?

Anyone here got unexpected bangs after heavy persistence?

It is totally up to you.

It is only bad if you are fixated on one woman and pushing because you have to have her.

Otherwise, it means nothing. If you are pushing with a bunch of girls by text, they may feel special, and that they got you, but the joke is on them because all you are doing is eating a muffin and messing around with your phone.

I find most relationships with females to have no intellectual content, they are only battles of wills. So, what she is thinking doesn't really matter because it is probably kooky anyway.

I used to read Krauser's blog, and he played a lot of long game, texting and Facebooking these girls for months before the bang. He seemed to enjoy it, the hunt itself, and it worked for him. I couldn't do that. I would rather not get the bang, and not have to spend 6 months texting a girl and telling her what kind of animal she reminded me of.

So if you enjoy persisting, you should do it, no matter the outcome, and if you don't you shouldn't. Some women will respond and some won't.

On a related note, I have had a couple of encounters where I persisted, got nowhere, and when I finally stopped, the roles reversed and she became aggressive.

I think this dynamic, sort of a puuuuuuuush, pull, might have some potential for someone who is in the field experimenting.

I think it worked because it was honest. I pushed for as long as I felt like pushing, and when I got tired of it, I quit. It was almost like the girl panicked and said to herself, oops, I went too far, now I have to show this guy I'm interested.

Finally, about dignity. You should never persist beyond the point of your own dignity. If you feel undignified, you should stop. However, if you really don't give a shit what she thinks, you lose no dignity by persisting. So it is okay.

Again though, it is totally up to you, up to what you enjoy doing. I wouldn't worry that much about what she thinks, since that changes from moment to moment anyway.

“The greatest burden a child must bear is the unlived life of its parents.”

Carl Jung

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