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Best cities/countries for Indian and South Asian men?

Best cities/countries for Indian and South Asian men?

^Cosigned, the biggest problem is that Indians in America are culturally just not geared towards being attractive. This is due to a variety of factors.

Most of us here are either South Indian (Telugu/Tamil) Brahmins or Gujarati Patels -- both races of people generally tend to be smaller and neither culture places a lot of emphasis on athleticism. These are more betabux cultures that value money and intellectualism over masculinity and strength. These groups are vegetarian (no meat == lower testosterone) and short in size/stature to begin with. On top of this, massive numbers of Indian Americans are software engineers, a career track that doesn't really attract alpha dudes or attractive girls. Indians in America are seen as beta because they come from some of the most asexual groups in India and generally work in the most asexual professions in America.

This reflects in there being a huge dearth of jacked alpha Indian dudes. In California (Bay Area and SoCal) I almost never see Indian dudes actually getting strong. My high school was something like 40% Indian and 50% East Asian. Tons of Asian dudes were in the gym getting huge, the few white and Mexican guys got jacked as well. I could count the number of actually jacked/strong Indians on one hand. The same situation applied in college -- at my university gyms I would see jacked dudes of all races in equal proportions -- and then maybe one or two strong Indians at all.

(This seems less true in Chicago for some reason -- Indians in Illinois look way better, who knows why)

This will undoubtedly change within the next twenty years. Indian immigrant communities in other countries seem to do a lot better in terms of sexual success. The Indians I knew in Dubai were in great shape, looked good, and had money -- the women were hot as fuck too. Indians in Britain and Canada seem to do fine also. Again, this comes from the origins of these groups. The Dubai Indians I know are either Pakistani (good genetics thanks to racial mixing) descended from India's extremely rich 1%, most of whom married hot women. Indians in Britain are mostly Punjabi (more alpha on average), same goes for Canada.

The South Indians in Canada don't come from the betabux Brahmin communities either. A lot of these guys are Sri Lankan Tamils who fled the civil war, a lot of them formed extremely violent gangs back in the 90's. I could never see South Indians in the U.S doing that -- many Canadian Tamils came from an environment of brutal civil war and conflict, thereby producing significantly harder people.

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