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Most Overrated/Underrated Place You've Been

Most Overrated/Underrated Place You've Been

Quote: (08-25-2017 07:32 PM)Rossi Wrote:  

Quote: (08-25-2017 02:04 AM) Wrote:  

Italy comes very often. is it that terrible?

With one word, yes.

I agree, mediterranean looks is the worst for women in Europe.. Portugal, Greece, Italy, Spain, some areas of France.. have the worst women in europe and better looking men, which doesnt make sense visiting..

Compared to Eastern and Northern europe.. if you return from there to a country like portugal or italy you literally fall in depression after couple of days...

I prefer Slavic, Germanic/Scandinavian and Baltic women.
Im hardly turned out by mediterranean women, even the top tier 10% hardly does anything for me... and if I want a hot brunette I rather go to Serbia or Croatia, who have taller women, with long legs and hot slavic features.. than going to italy ,spain where women are quite plain on average.

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