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Cash Me Outside girl is now a rap star

Cash Me Outside girl is now a rap star

Actually, Enigma, more than 70‰ of Trump’s voters don’t have a college degree. Many of those non-college-educated voters have high income. They are economic middle class but cultural lower-class, and that is the point. Education doesn’t always correlate with wealth.


Btw, due to a certain (happy) influence, my default image of traditional America is probably a bit different Smile. America in the 1800s to me will always be like this:

[Image: IqISZnE.jpg]
[Image: DqIB7eo.jpg]
[Image: JP9pzKr.jpg]

Not exactly classy or sophisticated or wholesome, isn't it?

The bar brawls, the cowboys swearing and spitting, the tar and feather and rails bar, the gloriously racy cancan dancing, etc... even cartoonishly rendered, vividly represented the high energy culture of the wild west undereducated class back in the early days of America -- an essential part of the truest culture and tradition of your ancestors, of the primordial American soul. They are expressions of an energy which, although its particular expressions have varied in accordance with the particular historical stages that contextualize it, has in its source and inner essence remained more or less unaltered across American history (at least until recently). This energy, even in its most vulgar, brutish expressions, was the force that underlied America's greatness and propelled it forward. Does the same energy still underlie today's under-educated class culture, particularly in the works of this Danielle little gal? I'll let Americans judge that for themselves.

One thing to keep in mind, though, is that sometimes, being animated by the same energy doesn't entail being favorably disposed towards one another. There are many factors that influence opinions and political affiliations and voting outside of underlying energy. Those factors include positions of interest, group think, peer influences, indoctrination, exposure to information and media influences, etc.

One thing I'll have to disagree with TLOZ is America being and remaining the only country that matters; since I witnessed the great Gold-rush energy that propelled America forward elsewhere in my sphere of civilization -- the cultural fertility and imagination of which, though quite different, lose not to that of western civilization. But that's for another time. Smile

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