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Cash Me Outside girl is now a rap star

Cash Me Outside girl is now a rap star

Quote: (09-02-2017 07:43 PM)The Lizard of Oz Wrote:  

Those lamenting this state of affairs should further realize that this lower class culture which they see as nothing but trash represents the great health and energy of America, indeed the very energy that has saved us.


Yet this is exactly what happened. Trump was elected by the votes of lower class America, all across our beautiful vast methlands and every single opiate-infested hamlet.


When you watch young Danielle prancing before the cameras and speaking her inspired and barely comprehensible rap patois, you are watching an emanation of that very American health; and you should look at that beautiful muggy Southern California sky and realize all that it means.

This is absolutely, provably false in almost every way.

1. Trump performed better than Romney with voters in the $50,000 to $100,000 income range, and the median income of his primary supporters was $72,000, which is higher than the national average; Trump's biggest block of supporters are educated and middle class

2. The demographics which listen to mainstream rap tend to be the most anti-Trump, particularly blacks and Hispanics; and rappers have made "Fuck Trump" music videos, mock assassinated him in videos, and threatened to sell Melania into sex slavery

How many of the people in "These Heauxs" do you think are actually Trump supporters? I'm guessing it's somewhere close to 0, and that at least a handful of them would become violent if you showed up on set in a MAGA hat.

3. Southern California is overhwhelmingly blue

And your claim that the lower classes of America always displayed such degeneracy is, like the rest of your post, simply untrue.

I'm actually a fan of the older and/or less mainstream rap music, but to compare this dumb chick or Lil Yachty to Miles Davis, Marvin Gaye, Jimi Hendrix, or Big Daddy Kane is laughable. Hell, even the black gangsters of 50 years ago had a sense of class.

[Image: nicky-Barnes.jpg]

And it's not like the '70s were the high point of American culture either.

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