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Colombian Girls vs. Brazilian Girls

Colombian Girls vs. Brazilian Girls

I have been to Colombia a couple times, but not Brazil. I do have some Brazilian friends here though.

From my experiences, Colombian women realize they are pretty more than Brazilians. Colombianas places a higer value on themselves than other Latina's and really are more transparent. Brazilians even in the USA are for more friendly and outgoing than Colombianas even the ones in Colombia which, usually USA changes chicks...doesn't seem to bother the Brazilian women.

I have dated a Colombian here and one there, and been in bed with a few more. It really is a hassle at times and while Colombianas look sexy on paper (or rather photos) they are often a pain in the ass. I still have yet to meet one that could cook, clean, actually wants to work etc. On the contrary you take your average Brazilian and yes, they are little less attractive in the face on average (seem to have more hairy eyebrows, larger nose etc) but they are gonna average out to be way more fun and outgoing in the long run.

I stil love my Mexicanas...they are a little more wild than the Colombianas (both good and bad) but still find many that can cook and take care of her man.

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