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The Alt-Tech Revolution: Master Thread For Tech Ideas in an Age of Censorship

The Alt-Tech Revolution: Master Thread For Tech Ideas in an Age of Censorship

Quote: (08-29-2017 01:39 PM)Easy_C Wrote:  

I think whatever system builds up is going to have to closely resemble the ToR network in functionality. Encrypted, peer-to-peer communications that can't be cut off from anything other than blocking the end user at the point of use.

The key factor is that the technology in question needs to be resistant to centralization. If that is achieved, then it is effectively impossible for any central authority to block them off as we have now.

Yes, endpoint-to-endpoint networks that are secure and built with privacy from the ground up are essential. That being said, we all still rely on two existing factors that cannot easily be mitigated:

1. ISP access

ISP's, for the most part, especially in the United States have resisted any efforts to block individual websites from their services. If you have the "dumb" pipe, you can access it. In other parts of the world, governments and NGO's have pressured ISPs to block "hate speech" if that "hate speech" goes against the globalist/leftist narrative.

2. DNS access

Domain services, especially if pressured by left-wing groups are already under attack. Don't like someone? Call their domain registrar and tell them they are hosting a Nazi. Now their domain is locked and can't get transferred. We need legal action to be taken against domain registrars who block transfer or freeze accounts of domains that are NOT BEING USED FOR ILLEGAL PURPOSES.

Free-speech advocates must start suing registrars who freeze accounts and hold domains hostage for political reasons. might be an excellent place to start such a campaign once launched. Registrars need to defend any domain freeze as based in breaking the law, not offending SJWs.

While I think it certainly doesn't hurt to consider "alternative web" solutions, there's still plenty of internet freedom out there in the United States that needs defending. Easy of access of the current system is what brings a message to a mass audience.

We need to keep that access open and fight for every inch of it, and only use "alternative web" as a fallback in case we lose the first fight. "Alternative web" should be a secondary consideration, because it also makes it easier to brand it as "Dark Web 2.0" where only the mean, scary people hang out. We need the Web As We Know It to stay intact.

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