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Free Speech Rally 8/19, Boston

Free Speech Rally 8/19, Boston

Quote: (08-19-2017 09:03 PM)Bill Brasky Wrote:  

Quote: (08-19-2017 03:34 PM)Delta Wrote:  

Quote: (08-19-2017 02:33 PM)Only One Man Wrote:  

Rallies are fucking gay.

I am often left wondering what these right wing groups are trying to accomplish with these rallies.

The fact is is that we had war declared on us years ago. Just because you don't want war doesn't mean that you are not in it. You're in the fight whether you like it or not buddy. You can either passively submit to your destruction or you can fight.

I'm not attending any of these rallies as I don't live in the US at the moment but I can tell you I would be there if I was.

At some point your job, your money, your "reputation", what other people think of you, your family, your relationships are absolutely worthless in comparison to speaking truth and living a free man as God intended you to be. Yes I said God.

My ancestors that fought in the American Revolution probably had the same thoughts as you have. "Why get shot?" "What's so bad about the King?" It actually tore many families apart. I have family that lives in Canada because they split from my family that stayed and fought the English. Good for my Canuck Kin, but I can see that my ancestors that stayed and fought for their independence created the greatest civilization on the face of the Earth.

You're confusing the pointless martyring of your future in a dickless "rally" with actually shooting your enemies in the face and stepping over their corpses to victory. Your ancestors did one while their descendants do another.

If you told your ancestors that you're going to mill around a common area holding a sign and maybe even giving a speech then they'd look at you like you just landed from the moon. If you told them that you were going to be assaulted alternately by the loyalists and the red-coats while adhering to a strict non-violence policy in order to maintain your optics then they'd spit in your face and wonder how their descendants ever became such pussies.


The fact is is that we had war declared on us years ago.

Odd. I thought war involved playing with guns a bit more than this. That shit I see happening over in Iraq, Afghanistan and Syria must be something else. Not a march permit or witty placard to be seen over there. Those idiots are doing it all wrong.

The public will judge a man by what he lifts, but those close to him will judge him by what he carries.

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