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Free Speech Rally 8/19, Boston

Free Speech Rally 8/19, Boston

Quote: (08-19-2017 03:35 PM)Eskhander Wrote:  

Quote: (08-19-2017 03:34 PM)Delta Wrote:  

Quote: (08-19-2017 02:33 PM)Only One Man Wrote:  

Rallies are fucking gay.

I am often left wondering what these right wing groups are trying to accomplish with these rallies.

The cost/benefit analysis of showing up to such a rally, as far as I can tell, is:

Your time
Risk of being mobbed, beaten, maced, etc. by Antifa
Risk of being doxxed, accused of being a "Nazi," etc.


Cyberspace > meatspace. Excepting flash rallies

Rallies are risky to participate in and I certainly wouldn't do it. But that's just because I value my own hide too much and am more focused on personal development than on saving "muh society". In reality meatspace>>>>cyberspace. Hacking away furiously at a keyboard in cyberspace is only good to the extent that it results in actual developments in the real world. To the extent that you want to raise awareness or affect change, 1000 dudes marching in the street for 2 hours is far more effective than 20,000 dudes sending a bazillion daily tweets or forum messages for a year straight.

Just ask Trump. Ultimately, there is a reason he holds physical rallies rather than recording speeches from the comforts of his Mar a Lago mansion. Rallies are real, internet chatter isn't.

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