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How do you blabber endlessly to keep a girl attentive and avoid "awkward silences"?

How do you blabber endlessly to keep a girl attentive and avoid "awkward silences"?

I can ramble with the best of em...but...

You want to say something that stirs some emotion in her, just like you would with a guy.

"This place seems like a cougar hookup bar....
...(see where the conversation goes)...

(if needed) I mean, I'm all for it. A lot of people hate on it, but ya know, you only live life once." blah blah blah

Clothes. Find someone at the bar who has a fashion similar to the 90s or something (you can make this up, you'll still have a good conversation). Start to share your styles when you were younger, then shift the attention to what she's wearing and her fashion.

“Until you make the unconscious conscious, it will direct your life and you will call it fate.”

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