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How do you blabber endlessly to keep a girl attentive and avoid "awkward silences"?

How do you blabber endlessly to keep a girl attentive and avoid "awkward silences"?

While trying to maintain a girl's interest while competing with her news feed, beta orbiters spamming her phone with messages and everything else distracting her, awkward silences can be really detrimental.

Roosh emphasises in Bang the importance of avoiding silences when gaming girls, and although I personally don't find them particularly awkward in most cases, the words awkward and silence are practically synonymous, especially where I live.

I am amazed by girls' abilities to keep a stream of nonstop verbal blabber going.

For example, when talking to a girl recently the main things I could remember from the conversation were how her friends say her nose is really close to her lip, she has 257 messages on Tinder because her friend took her phone and swiped right on hundreds of guys and how she supports gay marriage and put a sticker on the back of her phone so that everybody has to know about it.

The topics were all so trivial yet she (and most other girls) are able to come up with them constantly and in every single possible context.

In Russian there's an expression called "болтать ерунду". It means something like talk nonsense in English. What I've noticed is that guys who can do this often get lots of girls.

What are some ideas for how you can successfully come up with endless blabber to avoid "awkward" silences and can keep a girl attentive for as long as it takes to get her to have sex with you?

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