Quote: (02-17-2012 12:54 PM)Nonpareil Wrote:
Quote: (02-17-2012 12:50 PM)MiXX Wrote:
Quote: (02-17-2012 12:46 PM)Hencredible Casanova Wrote:
Quote: (02-17-2012 09:23 AM)MiXX Wrote:
Quote: (02-17-2012 08:55 AM)Roosh Wrote:
Is Montreal the best city in North America for girls (quality + ease of hooking up) ? Lots of praise on the forum.
I will be there all summer and let you guys know. Can't wait!
I knew a Colombian addict, like me, who stopped going to Colombia once he went to Montreal.
So, is Montreal the Medellin killer? who knows......
I'm counting down the months. Can't wait either. I think G said something about almost feeling suicidal the first time he went to MTL for not having gone sooner. Strong statement, but I can relate. My first night on St. Laurent was an overwhelming experience. I was dumbfounded and flabbergasted by the level of talent all around me. The closest I ever came to that feeling was in Cordoba, Argentina, but Montreal was still more impressive, especially being so close to home. I really regret having slept on it for so long. Talk about negligence!
OGHH.. HC, please stop tormenting me!!! It;s bad enough I have to wait for months before summer. Weather right now in MTL is 37FI'd leave tomorrow if it weren't for the cold weather.
When exactly are you going? Springtime in Montreal (late April-Early May) is pretty nice, good weather.
I was planning to go right after Mothers Day, as I always spend time with my mom that day, no matter what.
So, The fist/second week of May was when I was hoping to have "first dibs" on MTL French ass before you guys get there in June/Juy for the RVF meet up. =)
My plan for now is May-July - 3 months, and then head to Greek Islands (iOS) or Bulgaria for August. Of course, if Montreal is THAT GOOD TO ME, I may stay until September.
IN 3 WEEKS, I WILL BE IN CALI WITH WEDO! for the pre-semana santa fuckfest!