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Best country in Latin America for 1st time?

Best country in Latin America for 1st time?

I have time to travel for 2, maybe 3 weeks, very soon. I've been looking into Mexico, Brazil, Costa Rica, Guatemala, Colombia, and the Dominican Republic. However, I have never been to Latin America before. I have traveled alone to many countries in Asia before. I speak very minimal Spanish and no Portuguese. I am also Asian American

In addition to women, I'm also factoring in Asian male exotic value, safety, cheap prices, cool cultural stuff to do, friendly locals. Scuba diving and nice beaches would also be nice

I've heard Mexican girls give you "the stare" to obviously indicate interest. But otherwise, Spanish is required, most women are fat and ugly other than at cities like Monterrey, and it's boring outside of DF. And the women are the most stuck up in Brazil. And Spanish is absolutely required in Colombia

What do you guys is the best country for someone like me who is asian, doesn't speak any spanish, and is a 1st time traveler to Latin America?

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