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Dublin, Ireland 2015 Datasheet

Dublin, Ireland 2015 Datasheet

Quote:paulrhizome Wrote:

(a) It is exceptionally rare to see someone approach an Irish woman in public, including cafes. The only place it is "acceptable" (you can do it, but it will be seen as somewhat unusual) is in the pub or the club.

It's only rare because Irish women respond extremely negatively to being approached and you'll leave yourself prone to harsh putdowns so its totally not worth it in my opinion.

Quote:paulrhizome pid Wrote:

(b) However, this does not mean Irish women are inherently frigid - not that this claim is made, but might be inferred - but rather that people get together normally through work, social scenes or online dating.

I agree that the best way to get an Irish women is through work or social circle but online dating here is ridiculously one-sided and if you don't have top tier body/looks then you'll instantly get lost in the mix and be left frustrated.

Quote:paulrhizome Wrote:

(d) Since Irish men don't put much cache into their looks, with the exception of professionals, a good Tinder profile should work wonders. The negative side of this is that you will be battling Irish men's innate charm, which is quite skillful and deft. So try not to be too uptight or boring. Cheekiness will be expected.

I actually think Irish guys are seriously upping their game, especially the younger guys, call it the Conor McGregor effect if you will, but hitting the gym and dressing well seems to be the norm in decent bars/clubs in Dublin. Unfortunately Irish women still haven't followed suit and fake tan, too much make-up, tattoos, cellulite and atrociously bad attitudes are still far too common.

Quote:paulrhizome Wrote:

(e) dancing well would make you stand out.

Probably, clown-game also works well over here too, but to be honest that all seems way to much effort to try and bang an average looking Irish chick.

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