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Portrait of the mentality of French people specially Parisian

Portrait of the mentality of French people specially Parisian

Quote: (07-09-2017 07:46 AM)Lino Wrote:  

Paris in august is a paradise, most of the parisian assholes are gone on vacation so the city has a better atmosphere, more relaxed and friendly. Less car traffic and girls are more Dtf.

I enjoy cycling in the center, chatting one of the girls who make eye contact... people flirt way more than in anglosaxon countries, I have seen waiters in cafés serving ice cream to their clients and telling them that they have beautiful eyes...that kind of things...the girls enjoy it, that gives you an idea of the vibe.

Romance is still important there and women expect the man to take the lead. There are entitled bitches and few raging feminists but that is nothing compared to anglo-saxon countries. In Paris I enjoy street game, it's fun and I know at some point I'll come across some girl who has good flirting skills and we'll have a good interaction, a bit playful and cheeky.

Now regarding the things being said about parisians, let's be honest these types of guys are all over France, mediocre people who prejudice a lot, only speak french, feel superior, are extremely jealous and selfish, yup I came across that kind of assholes all over France.

I just dont waste my time with them anymore, back then, in my 20's it used to drive me crazy, was even depressed because of that, when I lived in the north of France I Have been fighting a few times and ended up at the police office...Now I'm older, am earning money, travelled a lot and can pick up beauties, All these jealous motherfuckers can suck my dick! I might now sound arrogant but I think I am the ideal modern french, born in Paris with foreign background, Polyglott, university educated, well travelled and open minded... people like me end up leaving France sooner or later, then french people end up stucked with the ghetto rats and all these "racailles"...well they deserve it, if they treated educated "minorities" better they wouldnt be in this situation.

Allright that was a bit off topic, regarding picking up girls I would say that the east of Paris is more laid back and open minded, I usually daygame there, around Bastille, Oberkampf, even more central like hotel de ville...plenty of tourists there as well. I am sure some parts in the west have good spots as well but I never bothered to try there, plenty of fish in the east...

Ray of hope through the gray cloud, thank you.

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