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Help me decide where to go Next

Help me decide where to go Next

"toddh - I have been to Portugal before, never Lisbon. I didn't like where I went in Portugal incredibly much."

I will bust a thread about Lisbon soon.

"hydrogonian - good tip on Beruit again."

One of my best friends is Portuguese-lebanese. Here´s Beirut is:

"lilseezie - Granada sounds dope, I really like the idea of Sevilla."

Seville is really an amazing city, one of my favourites. They´ve been doing some reconstructions, but it´s finally over. My father proposed to my mother in Seville. You can check the judiaria, cathedral, etc, etc. I´ve always been in Sevilla with my family, not going out that much more waking up early for sightseing.
There was a time we used to go there 2 or 3 times per year.

A bullfighter has to pass by Madrid, Sevilla and Ciudad de Mexico to be respected. I´m not a big fan of bullfights, but don´t condamn them. The best I was was in Madrid.

Really an amazing city. Highly recommend it.

My oldest brother studied in Seville during 2 years, he failed every class during his two years.

After Czech girls, spanish are my favourites. They are extremely feminine, but when they get angry, they get angry, you don´t wanna be less than a mile from them.
Don´t go in the summer (July, August). Temperatures rises to 48 degrees.
Kona you would go crazy with the Seviile Feria, when all girls dress some traditional tight outfits, hot, de puta madre:

The Sevilla Feria happens in end of April. I´m not generally a fan of big events, but this one is worth it. The only problem is entering the ferial party stands. If you don´t seem like a local they will not let you in. It´s normally off limits to foreigners.

Another good time to go would be Easter. But more religious.

No need to say this to you G, but dressing sharp is a plus in Seville.

Granada is also good, smaller, more hippie, there´s the Alhambra, and if you go till the end of April I think you can still hit Sierra Nevada for some skiing. I remenber one time the tracks due to bad weather were closed and we went to the beach cause it´s only like 60 or 70 kms. From the highest point in Sierra Nevada, you can see the beach.

Tapas, canas, fiesta, siesta. like in Sevilla It´s all there. Damm I really miss living in Spain. In Granada and Sevilla you can see real Flamenco.
Personally I´m not a big fan of spanish cuisine, but Paellas and Tapas are always on the menu.
On time I stayed in a Cueva.
You also have some arab baths good to relax after one day skiing.
There´s a story about how Bill Clinton (one of the few politicians I admire) said that Granada from all the places he had seen on his youth was the one who marked him the most.

There´s one saying from Garcia lorca I once read about Granada:
"Dale lismona mujer
que no hay en la vida nada
como la pena
de ser ciego en Granada"

"OGNorCal707 - I do like the sound of Croatia also."

Croatia is still relatively unknown, not being a menber of EU. So it´s still not comercial. I´ve been there two years ago, it could have changed. I think you can go any time of the year, but end of June, july and August are better.

"How is the nightlife in Cadiz? I am guessing that nightlife in Sevilla is pretty sick?"

Been to Cadiz. I didn´t like that much the city. Hear the carnival is a good time. I was there to catch a ferry to morroco though.
Yep nighlife in Seville is great. There used to have Botellons in the streets but the prohibited. All over spain there was one day were all the young people went protesting for the right to drink on the street.

"Luckystar - Been to Valencia. Topless girls in summer. Went there when I was 16. Had an epiphany."

"Keep the suggestions going. Especially more Spanish towns.

Anyone with Malaga data?"

Been there some while ago. Enjoyed it, but I can´t really give you a report on it. When I was in Madrid the debate about urbanistic coruption in Malaga was huge.

"Cartagena (spain)?"

If you ask any portuguese and probably spanish about Galicia the first thing they will say you is that it has good fish. Picasso lived in Corunha and hated it. I think if you´re into nature it´s nice. I believe there´s a famous and beautiful path in galicia, can´t remender the name now. Santiago de Compostela is supposed to be great sighseing.



"Others spanish cities:"

Salamanca: It´s a big university town so party is guaranteed.

Cáceres: Some people told me it also has some great party scene.

Marbella: Playground of rich and famous. Also suposedly a gateway for the entering of drugs from north africa, so it´s full of drug barons. Been there for one night. Nice, but since it´s also a summer city, end of June, July and August are the best time to go there.

Cordoba (Spain): From what I remenber doesn´t differ much from Marbella or Malaga, but it´s been a while since I´ve been there.

El Rocio: Nice for an afternoonr visit. Horse riding etc. Might be boring for a guy rolling solo.

Gibraltar: An english territory in Spain. Sounds strange, but in spanish territory there´s a place where only english is spoken, to get in and get out you need to show your passport. It pissed off Aznar, although spanish do the same with morrocans. Also known for it´s offshores.

Toledo: Near Madrid, used to be Spain capital.

One final note: The proportion of hot Milf´s in Spain beats all the countries I´ve been to.

uff long post...

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