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Portrait of the mentality of French people specially Parisian

Portrait of the mentality of French people specially Parisian

Quote: (07-14-2017 12:09 PM)balybary Wrote:  


people are very open minded

Open-mindedness in Tunisia seems limited.

Based on Islamic law, the government forbids domestic marriages between a
Muslim woman and a non-Muslim man, unless the man converts to Islam or the
marriage is performed abroad. On occasion, the government did not recognize the
legality of such marriages, forcing the couple to seek a court ruling to legitimize
the marriage. Cases are decided arbitrarily, particularly when the family in Tunisia
contests the foreign marriage. In some family cases, courts applied an Islamic law
based interpretation of civil law. Muslim men and non-Muslim women who are
married cannot inherit from each other, and children from those marriages, all of
whom the government considers to be Muslim, cannot inherit from their mothers.

Well as i said Northern Tunisian .. mainly some citcies as the capital and it is subrubs , hammamet , nabel , sousse..

I can agree about southern Tunisian , i didnt go there yet , but heard that they are conservative like typical others arab countries.

Also it is better to visit and see how people are rather than trust a random article. You can refer to that forum member, who is irish , and gave an objective opionion.

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