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Portrait of the mentality of French people specially Parisian

Portrait of the mentality of French people specially Parisian

I know the Parisians and other "snobbish urban trash" French well - their "sophistication" is all fake. They just love to make everything more complicated so as to feel sophisticated. It's all about posture. They lag behind the rest of the Western world in almost everything.

The French don't take anything seriously, except arguing non-stop and paying attentionto their physical appearance (especially style of clothing). And their "style" is simply gay.

Everything else is treated with disdain, and taken to the second or third degree. Ironizing on everything is their pasttime.


The French only stayed with each other, did not socialize with others and openly criticized the dresses of the others, the physics of others, the wine served

That's what I mean.


everything is based on gossip, snob attitude, appearance, and for them to take the first step to talk to a Group is a sign of submission, you may have good relationship with these people but they will be based on an interest and not on being a full-fledged person.

When you entering on a social circle you realize that the good atmosphere of facade are spoiled by internal rivalries and that most people show hypocrisy and interest of each others.

The French have this tendency always to analyze everything and to question the good functioning by thinking that they are the best models of society, But the truth is that they are totally overwhelmed by their ego, the organization within a French company is anarchic, archaic, paternalistic, any form of creativity and variation are ferociously rejected for fear of losing, Fear of risk, fear of commitment.

That sums it up. And their snobbish attitude is all based on discussing theories. They have very little practical sense.

The Germans have a saying "The French are basically angry Italians".

Quote: (07-09-2017 07:46 AM)Lino Wrote:  

people like me end up leaving France sooner or later, then french people end up stucked with the ghetto rats and all these "racailles"...

Last time I checked it's called "bougnoules". "Racailles" is the euphemism they use for fear of speaking the truth.

Quote: (07-11-2017 10:50 AM)Darkwing Buck Wrote:  

I hate almost every single French person I've met. Straight up rude assholes and I've only met a few of them. Only liked about 10% of the ones I met.

Same here lol

Quote: (07-12-2017 05:04 AM)ProGambler Wrote:  

The French have struggled since the godless Republic and the defeat of Napoleon as far as I can tell. The mentality is looking fashionable, the next fuck and the next plate of food. Winning is barely a part of your psyche and has only really come through in the form of African footballers. A bigger land army than the 3rd Reich that folded in 6 weeks and the treachery at Mers El-Kebir (of course the French call us traitors) won't be forgotten by the British. It comes as no surprise that you sold your country to African Islam in the last election too.

This whole thread is gold [Image: biggrin.gif]

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