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Official introduction thread

Official introduction thread

Probably should have looked around a teeny tiny bit more before posting onto that Travel thread but.. hey, I am making myself known one way or the other.

A little bit about me... Well. I'm from New England, as far the hell away from the WASP-y vibe you get in Greenwich and the Berkshires as possible. I grew up kind of isolated from people my own age so often gravitated towards those a couple years older. It isn't like I wanted to be a loner or someone without a lot of friends, but it just kind of happened.

Recently though in college I tried to make a concerted effort to be more active and go out and do more. I read Roosh's blog as well as Naughty Nomad and (although not really game specific) a Reddit group dedicated to seduction. I took all of it in as kind of general advice for self improvement rather than a total lifestyle change, but I realize some others might find benefit in game intermingling with their lifestyle.

After my first year in college... I realized either A) I'm in a terrible environment (DC Metro) B) I really need to work on my game, or C) Both. As a "white" guy (always thought of myself as Hungarian first, but moved down south so what am I gonna do?) I felt at a disadvantage socially when I found that the majority of other students on my floor were AA and snow bunnies are everywhere... but I'm taking things in stride.

My basic goal is to get back in shape (not abs but just fit) and improve my self confidence. Learn how to talk to women (which right now is just hit or miss) without obvious social cues being present, getting over my anxiety and fear from years of what I'd consider social isolation... Ya know, just normal self improvement goals.

Glad to be here.

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