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Sales opportunities in the Anglo world?

Sales opportunities in the Anglo world?

If you have solid English speaking and writing skills, you can make 150k+ pretty easily as an SE in the US.

However, if seriously considering a move to the US, keep in mind the following:

1. Healthcare costs will be higher; significantly higher if you have a family. That's with a job. Without a job, it will be VERY expensive.

2. If you lose your job/can't work, there is virtually no safety net beyond temporary unemployment benefits that pay out about $1500 max/month. Might be a mute point since you can always go back to your home country.

3. For the most part, you can be fired for no valid reason and with no notice.

4. Do not under any circumstances sign a non-compete agreement. A NDA/confidential agreement should be good enough. Ideally, don't sign anything at all that could impair your ability to take on a new job.

5. Once you get above the low 100's in the US, the tax man starts to hit you up pretty good.

5a. For example (rough example): 175k pre-tax pay will equal around 115k post tax (your take home pay after federal, state, local, FICA taxes). This does not include: health insurance costs of any variety, property taxes, sales taxes, or any optional retirement investments like a 401k. Remember, there is almost no safety net nor job security in the US (ESPECIALLY in sales) and you have to be financially prepared to weather any random events that come about. However, competent SE's with experience have zero issues finding work.

That all said, the best option might be trying to find a US company that wants to sell into your local marketplace. Leverage your local contacts, language skills, and understanding of your immediate economy and culture. Get the US sales culture and pay scale and import to you as oppose to exporting yourself.

My guess would be a US based start-up and/or a mid-size company looking to expand into your region would be the best place to look.

I can get more detailed about this and provide further guidance but PM me if you're interested.

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