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Dubai DataSheet

Dubai DataSheet

I'm not into club scene but will tell you some places where you will have less chance to realize that the unpaired nice looking girl is actually a professional. You are coming also on the low season with less tourists and from the dates you come you miss the Thursday night which is the night of the week where people stay later. Regarding being blocked at clubs what clubs it happened ? Never been blocked while solo or in groups of two three guys .

Lock stock barrel - Tuesday night is packed due to ladies night so a lot of girls that don't go out any day will be there due for the free drinks. I Will say that 90% of the crowd are groups of co-workers that come for the happy hour and stay through the night. You will see the odd pair of girls from Poland , ukraine , Kazakhstan, southern Asia. Small amount of pros and you identify them pretty easily. There is a club on the same hotel that I heard good things but didn't tried yet.

Mc Gettigans - Irish bar with live music. You need lot of stamina since there will be drunk girls looking for guys but this tend to happen more towards the end of the night and it is a hit and miss. Been there on Fridays and was fantastic and other Fridays just had a drink and left

Chameleon club in Tecom - nice venue with nice crowd , mix of pros and EE girls that are on holiday and tecom has some mid price accommodation so chameleon club and the one next to lock stock barrel are the best bets in this area .

Pier 7 - any of the places gather a nice crowd mainly British / Australian that have their own group. Each floor has his own bar and you can move easily to see which one gives you a good vibe.

Barasti - one of the oldest I know and maybe the only that gathers a good crowd every day of the week although Thursdays it's the night that it is totally full. Not sure if they are doing ladies night. There will be the instagram girl that needs to go to barasti since the girls back home knows it's an historical place in Dubai

One thing you have to consider also is logistics . Since most probably you are staying in a hotel check if you are allowed to bring guests. the number of hotels that don't allow guests is lowering but in case you get lucky make sure you don't get screwed by the security.
Rolling solo is tough here , you need to hop from place to place since you can be in a place where not even see one single girl or group of girls partying. Interacting with girls in groups with Arabs or British is doable but pretty difficult. the single girls here are getting ton of aattention from online and also from night venues. Be aware of the pros and the ones that although not pros will just milk drinks out of you

Edit : and the previous info by other posters is still pretty accurate

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