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Ayia Napa - Cyprus, a disastrous place unless...

Ayia Napa - Cyprus, a disastrous place unless... have long experience with FSU girls (and speak Russian) - or you are a stagger!

Ayia Napa is located in Cyprus, an island in the Mediterranean Sea. You can reach it from Larnaca airport, and it is known to be the party area of Cyprus. Plenty of nice beaches around, super humid, hot and sunny weather, the place is not different from other Mediterranean islands and the coast of Greece, Italy or Spain.

Our background
I was with Greek and French friends, all of us with long experience in EE, speaking multiple languages. We have good energy and we are in a good shape, generally successful with girls from foreign countries. Our game is slightly different: I rely on good looks, elegant clothes to display instant value and adopt Slavic direct game and advanced dancing skills in clubs. I like approaching in day game with a conversational and more indirect game.
It was arduous here for us. We don't like dealing with bad dressed and immature girls, but there are many of them in Ayia Napa.

As for the foreign crowd at the end of June I would say 30% Russian, 30% British, 25% Scandinavian, 15% other nationalities.
We choose this place because we thought that we were "exotic" with our nationality. Apparently no French / Swiss / Spanish / Italian people around - our direct competitors. We arrived with high expectations and great confidence coming from other long trips in FSU where we dominated the field. But the reality in Ayia Napa was different.

British Girls: really avoid them. Even if some of them are really attractive, generally they have bad attitude, don't care about guys look, too young and immature, closed minded and rude in rejecting. Only chances are if you are British or a chavish stagger. For an experienced RVF it might be hard.

Scandinavian Girls: same as above. Quality is slightly better but they prefer to stick in their social circle. Their clubs are fun anyway and they give you at least some minutes for a conversation. They don't care about good and elegant looks. Seems that some of them made jokes about Swiss people and also people which are not from Northern Europe. Didn't like it a lot.

Russian Girls: here we are talking. For a man doing his homework, in Ayia Napa your target should be Russian Girls. If you speak Russian, Ayia Napa is very good. You can just focus on them and it is likely that you will be successful.
Issue for us was that we cannot speaking Russian hence the number of approachable girls decreased dramatically. If you are from wealthy country and with fashion culture and great landscapes, like for example Switzerland, Italy, France, you will have an instant DHV with them. It seems that they don't like the drunk crowd from Britain and Scandinavia.

We saw many Lithuanian girls as well as from other EE countries. Generally working there. I suppose the period was not good as for example in Poland girls still have exams in end of June and maybe they will visit Cyprus in July and August. Also I was surprised to find a few Swiss girls with whom we had good interactions.

This place is full of chavish teenagers who have finished school and go in hordes to this place to get drunk. But Ayia Napa is not a place of debauchery. The ratio males/females is terrible and ridiculous in the night, maybe 75%-25% and many of the girls are already in groups or working as PR for bars/clubs. Don't see many people making out. I was expecting something different. The bars are located close to each other. The logistics is good under this point of view. What surprised me instantly is the massive presence of tattoos shops which are open all night! They are strategically located close to the clubs and at 3am we understood the reason: many guys and girls were in the queue to get a tattoo during and after party!! This might sound crazy but it describes well WTF Ayia Napa is and what kind of visitors are around. Gutter game is not possible, hundreds of people bother you continuously in the street yelling about discounts to enter in clubs. Not easy to maintain the calm and being polite.

Senior Frog: this place might be decent at the beginning of the night. But here you could be cock-blocked by the massive presence of figures and staff of the clubs. They always come to you to ask if you want to drink something, otherwise you should leave the club. Bad music and mixed crowd.

Castle: multiple rooms and big club. Good cocktails and decent music, I suggest you to go early and approach girls sitting in the tables. I met many girls from EE here. It was a sausage fest in the weekend.

Grabbarna Grus and Blue Moon: Scandinavian bars. Might worth a try if you know how to deal with Swedish and Norwegian girls. These clubs are a bit outside the main nightlife area hence gutter game is possible. Generally good atmosphere despite being a sausage fest. You need high energy. I had a decent night bouncing between these clubs even if I ended the night shagless.

There are other clubs all around but don't have any clue about them.

Top three:
Zic Zac bar: Swiss bar. This place attracts mainly Swiss and Germans. Nice terrace and good cocktails. Presence of girls from these countries, generally well dressed and who care about looks and elegance. Not a dancing place but nice to relax and making some soft approaches.

Red Square: Russian bar. 80% Russian crowd. This place is good. Pure Russian style bar with Dance and Russian Music. Gorgeous girls. Although here it is extremely arduous to approach girls. If you approach direct you are at risk of being kicked out and banned because "you disturb girls". I don't like this Big Brother control, but here calibration is required and direct game doesn't work. This place is good if you already come with Russian Girls that you picked up in other places or during a date. When they are in their environment Russian girls feel good, dancing like crazy, singing Russian music...and your chances to get the shag at the end of the night increase. Tested. I had a lot of fun here, but only when I was already with Russian girls. In case you buy some cocktails and you are already with a girl nobody will come to disturb or cockblock you.

Soho: at about 2am Red Square closes, and Soho opens. It is nearby. This is a small club with a bar in the centre. Excellent quality, although avoid the weekend when men from Turkey and Cyprus come and spend tons of money dominating the place. Russian crowd mainly. You have to dress well here, average homeless Ayia Napa look doesn't work. Approach is not easy, same rules as in Red Square: no direct approaches, you get controlled. But I like high end places like this, especially when surrounded by Russian girls.

Day Game: Or better calling it Beach Game. The party beach is called Nissi Beach. I would avoid it, massive sausage fest. You should concentrate on other beaches where girls are alone, relaxing, taking photos. With few players or cockblockers around.
I suggest you Konnos Beach and Pantachou Beach.

As it happened
This place was disappointing for me. I was expecting a slightly older crowd, an higher number of girls (general sausage fest everywhere), girls who were more open to the approach, more debauchery. My ROI was very low compared to EE and FSU.
We struggled for few nights not being able to even making out or taking solid contacts, I was losing patience with this place. Beach game wasn't working well. Nightlife was terrible. But Russian girls saved our holiday. Very few English speaking Russian girls in the island but I had great conversations and instant connection with them. I had great time, and I am thinking that I need to learn Russian in the future.

Here my highlights
- Cute girl from Russia in Senior Frog. She was with a girl friend. Slavic direct approach and dancing a bit and then directly to the bar to drink. This is a move that I mastered in FSU, if a girl is into you in dance-floor, after max 5 minutes you need to isolate her in a bar to drink. We changed location bouncing to Red Square. We made out intensively dancing Russian songs, she was clearly into me and I was thinking that it was time to seal the deal. But her girl friend had a boyfriend and refused any approach from other guys. I did my best to manage the situation and we took her girlfriend to the bus stop. She thought about two minutes whether follow her, or follow me back to my place but at the end she came back to her. I was disappointed but it was a good night for the standard of Ayia Napa.

- Swedish MILF, gutter game near Blue Moon club. I approached her in front of the club, very red pill girl, we talked about politics, about how Sweden is totally destroyed by uncontrolled immigration and how she feels now unsafe compared to 15 years ago. Honestly I could have invited her to my place, she was into me, but after being with 18-20 years old girls in FSU, I thought she was a bit old for me and I preferred to say hello and goodbye and come back home.

- Gorgeous Russian girl. Approach in the beach. It was a masterpiece. I had a good conversation with her, she was super friendly and my Greek friend supported me with her girlfriend. We met in the night for a 2vs2 date and after bouncing to several clubs, we went to the Russian Bar. I made out with the girl, danced, etc. After a while, some discussions, but finally back to my place. It was arduous but we ran good game and it was in the end really deserved. Really nice girl and I met her again also the following day. I really like Russian girls: they seem to enjoy the moment, displaying emotions with a bit of craziness. They don't like trashy people and appreciate elegance and savoir faire.

Final thoughts
I would not suggest Ayia Napa. This place is not a good fit with my game. Maybe others might be lucky though. Shagging here seems to be matter of luck, not something built with game, looks, confidence etc. I like party but not being surrounded by drunk and low class teenagers. Taken into account that I will not be 18 years old again, I would return here only with decent Russian skills.

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