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Truth Is, Most Guys Just Aren't Built For The Player Lifestyle

Truth Is, Most Guys Just Aren't Built For The Player Lifestyle

Edit: GlobalMan said it first by only 4 minutes gap! but he said it better.

[IMHO] I see that what you're getting at is your advice that you give to newbies is going to waste?
You're not the first one to feel so, many a times an advice starts with something like, I think you're troll but I'll still take my chances...
Do I have to tell you why that's the case?

The best part of having that player mentality is indeed how challenging it is, it might be fading for you because you're only human. Even for athletes, they're in form during the 20-30 [yo] age spectrum only.
If you're still going strong 10 years in, you're a legend, end of story.

It's okay, you're just thinking out loud.

I'm very grateful to this forum for helping me start early. Game, Fitness even Style.

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