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Truth Is, Most Guys Just Aren't Built For The Player Lifestyle

Truth Is, Most Guys Just Aren't Built For The Player Lifestyle

Killjoy, I'm trying to understand what you're getting at.

It seems you're saying that most guys won't bother to learn or apply game, or find ways to improve themselves, and will continue on with being dissatisfied.

If that's what you're saying, well yes of course that's true, everyone knows this. And?

The point of forum however is to learn, share, teach and help one another. To encourage and nurture the aspirations of dudes who would like to improve their lives, whether that means bang 100 girls, get a girlfriend, find a wife, navigate a relationship, start a business, make more money, lose weight, find a dope new destination etc.

One does not need to be "sociopath" to learn to interact with women better and to seduce them, that kind of thinking is Jezebel bullshit and not welcome here.

The entire rest of the world and internet exists to cater to dudes who have no interest in bettering their lives, there is no need to turn this forum into yet another avenue to teach guys to settle for less or to tell them not to bother improving. Of course many/most dudes aren't going to bother following through with what they read here, that's fine, but we're not going to start giving shitty advice because it's more "realistic" for those dudes.

Every man can improve to some degree, often a great deal. If you want to see more "realistic" advice that caters to the majority of people who have mentally checked out and don't want to improve, then perhaps head to Reddit or similar.

Americans are dreamers too

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