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Truth Is, Most Guys Just Aren't Built For The Player Lifestyle

Truth Is, Most Guys Just Aren't Built For The Player Lifestyle

You have to have an inherent coldness in you to be able to bang sluts & next them and continue on with that lifestyle for years & years without feeling empty. Truth is, guys with sociopathic traits make the best players because they can keep their feelings (emotions & thirst levels) in check. It takes a special kind of person to be able to switch off emotionally like that.

That's why a lot of this PUA stuff is a farce because most guys don't have these traits. The average Joe Schmoe is emotional and wants desperately to pair bond. Most guys you see just cling onto (and develop oneitis for) the first decent looking girl that will play with their genitals. So when I see threads on here where a guy is asking for advice with a particular girl, and that advice is "NEXT!", I chuckle to myself because I know that advice will go unheeded. Most guys just don't have the stomach for the player lifestyle. They don't even have the heart to screen girls properly. The concept of letting go is too difficult/scary for them, so they take what they can get and hold on for dear life.

It's pathetic, but true.

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