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Canadian Senate Passes Gender Pronoun Legislation

Canadian Senate Passes Gender Pronoun Legislation

Speaking of state-sanctioned “hate” laws, that PUA from Toronto Dr. James Sears, pseudonym Dimitri the Lover was entangled in that type of shit.

I read his newspaper today, and it described that someone complained to the Childcare agency in Toronto about his newspaper. He was later under investigation by Children’s Aid for potential abuse---This is because a cunt named Lisa Kinsella complained in her newspaper article at Huffington Post about Dr. James Sears, that she slandered him & likely caused concerned snitches to rat out false accusations about him to child welfare in Toronto.

Those Liberal feminazi tranny fuckers in Ontario can’t get Dr. James Sears arraigned for ‘hate speech’, because Dr. James Sears consults some bad ass lawyers before publishing anything, so they are looking to use the “what about the children?” excuse to affect his family.

The important lesson is that when one wants to criticize these SJW liberals, they have to be singular and have no connection to anything…Even Roosh who declared that he doesn’t have a career or family to take care of wasn’t immune when feminazis threatened his own mother who doesn’t have any connection to do with Roosh and what he does.

These are serious times that the feminazi SJW-tranny mafia are resorting to tactics which appear to be very twisted.

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