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Direct or indirect opener: Older guy targeting student girls

Direct or indirect opener: Older guy targeting student girls

First of all, thanks for all of the feedback that you guys have given me thus far. I've tried to take it on board and a lot of it makes eminent sense, although I'm relying more than anything else on my feedback infield than online, not just in terms of actual responses by the women I open, but also in terms of the comments that the women make on my approaches. In the past two days, things have taken a very curious but positive twist for me concerning my daygame results. I'll describe here how just a few of the sets have gone over the past 48 hours:

Two days ago, I venture into one of the bookstores here in the centre of town after getting three straight blowouts on the street in the hour before, feeling increasingly despondent - not so much at those blowouts per se - but more at the 90% flake rate that I'd been wrestling with and how on earth I can possibly improve on this. I slump myself into one of the chairs and, although somewhat despondent in terms of mood, I notice how I also feel curiously impervious to how women respond to me these days. Anyway, after I help myself to some of the bookstore's free water, I notice a very cute, Slavic-looking brunette with fantastic legs sitting in the seat near me. Given how I felt at the time, I was definitely in no mood to restart my daygame routine in the bookstore, especially as the reading area is full with other people, yet I also noticed that the girl seemed to be checking me out as I was returning to my seat. After I a minute or so of thinking about whether this was an actual IOI or not, I just say to myself, "fuck it, let's just collect another blowout" and I get up out of my chair again and go straight up to her. I stand in front of her for a few seconds soaking in the vista of her sexy legs and pretty, Slavic face and then utter the following magic words in a slow and very sincere tone of voice, "Look, I know you're reading, but I just wanted to say that I thought you looked really, really nice", alternating between looking into her eyes and looking back down at her legs. She looks a bit shocked at first, then responds with a beaming smile by thanking me for the compliment and starts asking me about what I'm doing here in the city. After about 2 minutes of chitchat, she says, "Look, I've got to go know, but would you like to have a coffee sometime", so I respond by taking her number. Now, bear in mind, this is no slumpbuster of a girl, she's objectively a 7.5, mid-20s and a recently graduated doctor by profession, so I feel pretty chuffed with myself for the rest of the evening, but didn't know whether she'd also flake, too, so tried not to get my hopes up. I'd had a girl number close me the week before, but, although she had an amazing rack, she was no higher than a 6 and even she ended up flaking, but this girl was in the same league as the girl I'd pulled just a few days earlier, thus making her move even more remarkable. To cut a long story short: I phone her the next day to set up a date for today and she actually turns up. And this is where things get interesting.

Soon after we sit down, the eye-fucking is already underway on both of our parts, but I still run basic comfort-building game, since this is generally how I've always gone into first dates with girls and old habits die hard. After the topic turns to various serious issues, such as politics, I notice how the glint in her eye is diminishing quickly like a candle being snuffed out by a priest and so I realize quickly that I need to avoid my old mistakes by steering the conversation back onto the topic of her holidays to stoke her positive feelings of what she had got up to on her last holiday. I also notice how when I start to look away more as she's talking, it has the effect of making her play manically with her hair, especially tucking her hair behind one of her ears. After about an hour into the date of chitchat, I realize that I've got to get some kino going, since this is an area that I've been woefully lacking in thus far and it has cost me dearly on every date I've been on. I'm thinking about how I can initiate it, especially as the eye-fucking is getting more intense and obvious between us by this stage. I decide to use silence as a way of building sexual tension first. After she made some comment about something or other she did on holiday, I simply don't say anything but keep looking into her eyes for what seems like an eternity. After a few seconds, I could feel the sexual temperature getting very high and, without thinking, I lean in towards her, put my hand on her right cheek and then start rubbing my hand up and down her neck and stroking her hair also, all the time continuing to eye fuck her without saying a word. After about half a minute of this, I pull back and she looks stunned, saying how I've obviously got balls of steel to attempt this but how she really feels turned on by it. She also comments on how no guy has ever been so forward with her before. I decide on a change of venue after we've drunk our coffees (she paid, incidentally, for both of us and it was an expensive cafe!) and we take a walk into the centre of town. As she has an appointment with a friend scheduled soon, we go to part ways and make out a little, although she's reluctant to kiss on the lips, saying that she wants to take things slowly and commenting how she feels the whole experience is a bit over the top for her. She also made various comments to the effect that she thinks I'm a bit of a player and so I suspect that today was last time I'll see her again. Anyway, if I made a mistake here, it was escalating too much, too soon rather than too little too late, the latter being my cardinal mistake every time on dates until very recently. But the quality of this woman, looks-wise and the intensity of the interaction represent a real step up in results over the last week for me, that's indisputable.

But this isn't the only set that's gone well today. The first girl I open, a bratty, early 20s, tall, nerdy girl in glasses, responds by looking me in the eye directly and asking, "So, what do you want from me?". My response: Your telephone number, since I want to take you out. She complies instantly - without my having run any comfort game on her and dutifully passes me her phone number and e-mail address. Since I didn't have time for an instadate, I tell her to meet me tomorrow at a given location in the city and she also complies without question. Whether she also flakes or not, time will tell, but I'm fascinated by the question of why hot girls are now giving me their contact details where a few weeks ago they weren't even stopping to give me the time of day.

So to turn specifically to that question, viz. why I'm now suddenly pulling good-looking and young women onto dates from the street, I have asked myself what has changed with me or my approach technique over the relevant time period, i.e. over the last week or so. Although my approach anxiety is now almost non-existent, that doesn't seem to be the relevant factor responsible, since I'd managed to get this in check weeks before. Also, my verbal game doesn't seem to have undergone any significant improvement, either, so I find it hard to ascribe my recent successes to that. What, however, I do think has changed is the following: Since the beginning of the week, I've been opening sets with a much more sexual vibe about me. In particular, once I've got the girl talking and I'm running comfort-building game on her, I have found myself running more on autopilot, thus freeing up vital headspace to focus on other aspects of my game. In particular, I've started to use a trick to project sexual thoughts into their minds as I'm running the comfort game. So, as I'm looking into their eyes, I'll be thinking about her blowing me or me taking the bitch from behind and, lo and behold, I've noticed that in many cases the girl starts to pick up on this, by acting more girly or engaging in some eye-fucking with me soon afterwards. Curiously, the hotter and bitchier the girl at the beginning, the more effective this strategy seems to work.

But, it's early days still and I'm now pondering my next moves on my daygame voyage. One crucial take-away from around 350 direct approaches seems to be the following: The form of words that you use on the girl is not really very important at all, including the opener, although a very direct opener works better for me than an indirect one. What seems to be much more important is the subcommunication that accompanies the verbal game and the actions that you follow up these signals with. One of the last sets I opened today was an older, married woman but who was very fit and nice-looking for her age. I ran up to her from behind, brought her to an abrupt halt and she quickly got to the point with me, "So, tell me what you want from me?!" was her reply and I didn't mince my words, either, "Listen, I've just told you I'm very attracted to you. I'm a man, you're a woman, I think we both know what the deal is, don't we?". It wasn't long before she was staring into my eyes intensely as we eye-fucked each other like crazy. I questioned her about her marriage and she gave me the impression that it was rather stale at the moment. Now, normally I eject from a set if a woman says she's married on principle, but I was really curious to see how far I could push this one, so I stuck around a little longer just to record the result. As the eye-fucking got more intense and she said that she really liked the way I'd approached her, I started caressing her arm with one of my hands, whilst eye-fucking her and, noting her response. She was more than happy to let me do this judging from her facial expressions, but she soon started mumbling something to the effect that it was really nice but that she couldn't go any further. Just like in the case of the doctor with the sexy legs that I'd just been making out with earlier and the bratty nerdy girl, I could cut the sexual tension with a knife.

To return to the conclusion that I started my last paragraph with: It isn't the verbal, but rather the non-verbal communication, that seems responsible for the dramatically improved results that I've had with German women of late. But with the doctor from today, along with other sets I've opened that have started off well, I still feel that I've hit a wall in terms of activating their anti-slut defences. On the one hand, I feel that going in very sexual from the beginning - even using overt sexual references in my verbal game to reinforce the covert sexual subtext - is definitely the way to go in my case, my problem is that now I'm succeeding in bringing the bitches to the boil during the interaction, I'm still failing to overcome their anti-slut defences and to move the interaction onto a much more physical plane the same day. My suspicion here is that I need to get using kino on girls as soon as I see that flicker of lust in their eyes, since even if I do number close them at the end of the interaction, I simply won't have left enough of an impression on them for them to want to act on a follow-up text from me.

So my gameplan going forward is as follows: To focus my game on the non-verbals much more than the verbal during the interaction, in particular by trying to project a strong sexual vibe into it from as early as possible, alongside the chitchat that is taking place at the superficial, i.e. verbal, level. And as soon as I feel the buying temperature is getting higher during the interaction, i.e. I notice a glint in their eyes as their faces become more expressive, I'm going to start running kino from that point on and try to escalate from there.

But am I right in thinking that I should just go for broke and not just crash the car but set it ablaze, too? My results so far seem to confirm the hypothesis that, the more reckless I become, the higher the probability that the girl will respond in a sexually interested way towards me.

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