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Supplements and foods that may DECREASE testosterone

Supplements and foods that may DECREASE testosterone

I can't echo Zelcorpion's comments enough. Aspartame and MSG are serious poisons that you need to eliminate asap. This should be first. Next thing should be to reduce processed food as much as possible.

If you are having a smoothie every morning instead of McDonalds, and put some protein powder in it that has some soy, in the scheme of things that is a giant step forward and a very tiny step backwards. If you put some aspartame or MSG in it, that is a huge step backwards, maybe worse than McDonalds.

If you put some beets in it from a can, realize the can has BPA which mimicks estrogen. The BPA leaches the most from acidic vegetables like tomatoes, so get those in the wax cartons or glass jars. But having some canned beets in the morning even with some BPA is way better than an egg McMuffin or toast.

Once you establish some healthy habbits, then refine and improve. Don't let perfect be the enemy of good, or keep you from making incremental progress.

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