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The TV Series Thread

The TV Series Thread

I finally got caught up on Archer, missed two weeks because remembering a time slot to watch a TV show is something I almost never do anymore. Luckily they put it on-demand so I could catch up conveniently, how nice of them.

I'm honestly pretty bored. I love the aesthetics but the humor and jokes are just weak or not there. I'm so fucking bored of the plot, Cheryl being fake kidnapped has run it's course and I don't want the rest of the season to be about it. I hate that 5 episodes in it still feels like we're setting up the season that will be over by episode 8. Come on Reed, what were you thinking doing these tiny seasons. It feels like nothing is getting done per episode, like it's 1 long episode broken up into a season. Thank fuck Barry and other Barry is back, him, Cheryl, and Krieger are the most funny this season. Malory is so disappointing for the hilarious gem she usually is. Archer is a huge disappointment for the character that used to be so alpha and funny. So far he's been cucked by some random musical group, Pam, Lana, his Mother, some random goon, etc. All in his own coma dream, like...what? Shouldn't he be more successful and alpha for such a decorated war vet battling PTSD?

I'm just so bored of this slow moving plot that isn't particularly interesting to begin with. Why is Archer so caught up in this fake Cheryl kidnapping? He's supposed to be looking for Woodhouse's killer. The whole "1940's racism" and "evil nazis get brutally slaughtered" isn't doing much for me either. I'm not of the mainstream liberal mindset of being obsessed with racism and nazis and I don't need to see simpering white guys or fictional nazis being slaughtered to feel better. At least Lana has had nearly no role in most episodes, she's becoming an annoying unfunny bitch. Oh, and where the fuck is Ray??? Dude had like a handful of lines in one episode; one of the most funny characters and he's just...not there.

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