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Is Tom Brady A Beta?

Is Tom Brady A Beta?

Quote: (02-06-2012 01:24 AM)Brian Wrote:  

If you think that even a star QB is going to be able to find a rich, beautiful, famous, virgin of equal status its a little far fetched.

Like I said, I wonder why he would want a famous chick of equal status. We all agree that you can't have it all, that there are tradeoffs. I'm just wondering what drives a man to shack up with a woman like Gisele, instead of a younger tighter version, who may be poorer and less famous.

Turns out Eli Manning married his college sweetheart. Everything else aside, I think I'd have a lot more peace of mind being married to a college sweetheart than a supermodel who had been banging a litany of celebrities before me.

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