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What would you do if you were in my shoes?

What would you do if you were in my shoes?

Hey Testos111, I am not Indian, but here is a thought. Try the Philippines, maybe for a month or two to see if you like it. A few years ago I read a post by an Indian guy on a random travel forum. Can't find it now, but I remember that he made an interesting point. like you, he also had a location independent business. Instead of moving to the West like many of his friends did, he moved to the Philippines. While his friends worked hard to make $80-100K in the US (a solid middle class salary, but not nearly enough to live like a baller), he enjoyed his life in the Phils, banged multiple girls and sent their pics to his friends who were jealous, because they couldn't laid at all.

Now, I have no idea what it's like for an Indian guy in the Phils or South East Asia in general, but what I know is that the people in the Philippines are generally friendly and humble. The girls like foreigners and not only those who come from Western countries. Indonesia is another country you can check out, though it's a little more difficult to navigate due to the language barrier outside of touristy places. Also, many Indians travel to Thailand, but the Thais tend to be more xenophobic generally speaking. Still, Thailand may be worth checking out as well.

Anyway, best of luck to you. It seems like you've got the money making part figured out which is the most important thing. There are many great places out there in the world including those outside of North America and Europe.

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